What is therapy?

Therapy, also referred to as counseling and psychotherapy, is the process of building a relationship with a therapist, identifying goals for treatment, and working to achieve those goals as a team. Therapy can help you to identify behaviors, thoughts, and feelings that may be creating distress and discover helpful ways to process and cope. Therapy can also be an in-depth process, uncovering core issues related to the past that may be causing psychological issues.

How do I know which therapist is a good fit?

You can learn about our therapists, their backgrounds, and treatment approaches here. We want you to find someone that you feel that you can connect with because we know that therapeutic relationship is crucial to healing and feeling understood. Feel free to reach out to get to know any of our therapists better!

What issues can therapy help with?

Therapy can help with a wide variety of issues including: anxiety, depression, grief and loss, trauma, personality issues, life transitions, stress, low self-esteem and confidence, relationship troubles (breakups, divorce, affairs, loneliness, marital problems, arguments, etc), obsessive compulsive disorder, abuse, eating disorders, child and adolescent specific issues, and more.

Do you accept insurance?

Most of our providers currently are not accepting insurance. Sarah Bruck accepts Optum insurance only. We offer self pay sessions ranging from $90-$200 depending on the therapist.

Is therapy worth it?

Therapist is an Investment in you. We like to say that therapy is showing up for yourself in a compassionate and understanding way. In therapy, you can learn and implement healthier ways of thinking, responding, behaving, and communicating. All of these things have a profound positive impact on your life, your relationships, and what matters most to you.

Can I do therapy online?

Telehealth is therapy via video. In the changing times since the pandemic, telehealth has become increasingly popular and a great solution to busy humans or those who may have trouble accessing our office. Telehealth can be just as effective as in-person sessions and allows you to heal, learn, and grow from the comfort of your own home. Talk you your therapist if you feel like telehealth would be a good fit for you!

Will my sessions be kept confidential?

Yes! Confidentiality is critical for therapy, healing, and the relationship with your therapist. Our ethical codes bind us to keep all information discussed in session confidential. Please note that we are mandated reporters, which means there are some circumstance in which we are obligated to tell. This includes if you are a danger to yourself or others or if a therapists suspects that a known child is being abused.

How often are therapy sessions?

Typically, sessions are weekly. This means you will have a meeting time each week to see your therapist. However, sometimes clients choose to see their therapists every other week if needed. Speak with your therapist and determine what the best fit is for you!

Is my therapist available during crisis?

Your therapist is available during your scheduled time only, unless you have spoken with them about otherwise. Resources are available to you during times of emergency. If you are experiencing a psychological emergency, we advise you to contact 911 or go to your nearest emergency room. Other resources include mobile crisis (865) 539-2409, the suicide hotline (800) 273-8255, or If you need to speak to someone not related to a crisis, you may call Contact Care Line at (865) 312-7450 to talk to trained volunteers (not mental health service providers).